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Friday, January 28, 2011

Rebuttal to Rahni (not really)

After looking at Rahni's Post , I would like to say that it was a good post but there are a lot of problems with her evidence. Here is what I have to say:

On the second paragraph to her opening statement, how does she know that teenagers are all influenced by others? There are teenagers that do not listen to their parents and like to make decisions by themselves. Also, not all teenagers live with their parents their whole lives. That is merely a false statement. She even contradicted herself when she writes that teenagers are influenced by everything, everyday. How about when you agree with something you hear one day, and then you disagree about the same topic the next because you were influenced by the media. After that you would be confused so you are bound to make your own decision to whether you agree with it or not. 

On the third and final paragraph to her opening statement, she states that the maturity level of teenagers are not yet full because she saw some freshman fool around in her Physical Education class. First, just because a few teenagers were messing around, doesn't mean that every teenager in the United States are like that. There are those that are well behaved and pay attention. Second, the quote states that the brain has not fully matured until the age of 25. The maturity of a student does not relate to the maturity of the brain. Where is the proof for that. No one is the same so that quote might not actually be true for everyone. There could be those where their brain develops completely and those that have brains that develop a little bit slower. 

Note:  I had also done the topic of whether teen's should be able to vote and also said no. 

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