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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

personal statement

    I came from a place where my parents had supported me when I was little. Although they had enough money to support me, my family came from a poor background and had to give up a majority of their life away in order to do this. To get to where they are today, they had to sacrifice much time and effort to work. My mother and father were first farmers at a young age. Although they did not meet each other yet, they had a similar past. They worked day and night in order to support the family and the farm. They sold their crops in the city as their only way  to earn any money and they were lucky if to eat anything. Fortunately, my parents were able to go to school. Their motive was to work hard and break the family line of poverty.
From the moment I was born, they continued to support me even when I was bothersome. They dedicated their life to make me a success. They placed me in extracurricular activities and put me in tutoring programs.
I dedicated myself into finishing these programs. The first program that they placed me in was a Chinese school in Kindergarten. I, at first regretted it but I soon knew why they did that. My parents wanted me to study my native language so that I would not lose it while I go to English Class. I regretted it at first because I did not want to dedicated any more of my time to work on another subject. In the end, I completed it and graduated. Along the way, I was able to get some prizes for my speeches and in prizes of handwriting. I enjoyed writing my language and speaking my language. With every stroke of the fur brush, I was slowly able to connect to my native culture but I also knew that the Chinese language has over tens of thousands of characters.
The second program that I am still currently in is an Orchestra where I learn how to play Chinese instruments in Second Grade. I first wanted to join because I enjoyed listening to music and wanted to learn how to play it as well. I dedicated myself to learning it. I enjoyed the years learning to play the music. Currently, I play the Ruan which is similar to a guitar but it is held upright. Recently, I played in concerts in Skyline High in April and soon I will be in Washington, D.C. to perform in the World’s Children’s Fair in Mid- June. I am so excited for that. I have never been outside of California except when I had went to China when I was a toddler. I also look forward to playing on stage and meeting the president.

Hopefully, that job would be a pharmacist. A pharmacist degree requires a lot studying and I am willing to dedicate my life in doing so just like how my mother had dedicated her life to support her family and break the poverty line. I would also like to become a pharmacist because I want to study medicine. I want to learn about the chemistry about medicine and about how each different medicine affects an individual. I would also like to develop medicine that limits the amount of side effects. I have heard so much about drowsiness and liver failure in medicine that I would like for that to be limited.
I would also like to find a cure for strokes and Alzheimer's disease because both of my grandparents had suffered from it. My grandmother had died from a stroke not long ago. That was the second time that she has had one. Till this day, I continue to miss her. My grandfather is still alive but is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. He has a limited ability to think and sometimes forget everything. My grandfather knows who I am but forgot my name and who I was before he had suffered from the disease.
I wanted to become a pharmacist because of my parents and my grandparents. I want to develop cures and save the community or even the world of illnesses. I want to rid the medicine of side effects. Most importantly, I want to pay back my parents so that they would enjoy the rest of their lives enjoying the luxuries that they want. I want to support my family and prevent them for suffering like my parents. I do not want my children to starve and I would like them to enjoy their life as well.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Two weeks ago, I had finished reading the book, “The Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins. It was a great book to read. I enjoyed the plot and even the setting of the book. I would recommend everyone to read this book. It shows what could happen in the future if democracy were to fail. It also discusses about the new technology. I would like to have that type of technology today except for the super weapons. One of the technologies allowed people to have food whenever they like. I would totally love that in my house. Besides this book, there is also a series and I hope to find the time to read that as well.
    The book was rather suspenseful. “The Hunger Games” takes place about 100 years after the United States had fallen apart. Instead of a democracy, it becomes more of a totalitarian government. The U.S. is separated into twelve districts. Every year, two children (ages 12-18 and of opposite sex) are chosen at random from each district to act as a tribute, where they have to kill each other in an arena until one stands. One year, the main character’s sister, Primrose is picked to be a tribute but the main character, Katniss volunteers to take her place. The other selected person in her district, Peeta also is selected to be a tribute as well. During the fights for survival, Peeta and Katniss acted as lovers but Peeta really liked her. In the end, this act helped them both survive.
    Although this was an amazing book, it had a dull birth. It turns out that Suzanne Collins had got this idea from different sources. The main spark of writing the book was when she was surfing the channels and she happened to cross by a reality show of two people competing and the Iraq War. She basically blended the ideas and created the idea of children fighting to death. The Greek myth of Theseus also inspired her book and that is what Katniss, the main character is currently similar to. She also learned to feel the fear the loss of a loved one from her father because he served in the Vietnam War. The author's life isn't really reflected in the story. It was more of an idea that came up. I guess this also answers my next question what was the purpose of his writing this book. The reason why Suzanne Collins wrote her book was because she wanted to get the idea out of her mind and express it in her book and also to entertain her readers. She did not really have a life story reflected upon this book. It was more of an idea that had come up and was configured into a book.
    The final question that I would like to answer is if there were any flaws in the book. Well, it was such an amazing book that I had barely saw any of them but I had found some in the end. The first flaw that I would like to point out is that it is rather slow. I understand that yes, not everyone dies all at once but its just too much. There are parts such as when she was running to her sister when she was picked. There was just too much detail. Yes, it was a major section in the book but it is just too emphasized. I think that everyone gets the point. The second point that I would like to point out is the cliches in the beginning of the book. In the beginning of the book, it states: "When I wake up, the other side of the bed is cold My fingers stretched out, seeking Prim's warmth... This is the day of the reaping." (Collins 9) I guess that this quote might be able to prove both my points. Within the quote, it shows that the introduction was slow and there was too much description. The story continues on for two pages in my book about how she got out of bed and soon left for the woods to hunt with a friend. It became rather boring when I had first read it. Now moving back to the point of cliches. I thought it was sort of a cliche because it started out in a fine moment, meaning like that they didn't really do anything. There was the reaping, but the reader does not know what it is. They should at least explain it somewhere close to that time. Maybe I thought that it was a cliche because I have read too many books or watched too many movies where they start off as the main character sleeping and waking up. Other than that, I find the book perfectly fine the way it is. This book is actually a great book but only if you continue to read on the series because the ending wants you to read the next book.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Peer Review Comments

For Amber:

The introduction is clear but I am confused by the part about how they come together. Could you cite some examples? Also, I would like to know more about the fire and what it symbolizes. How do they die when they first meet? I would also like to know whether the green gem was always the same. In the Reincarnation paragraph, explain how it is actually encouraged.

For Jay:
For your introduction,I think that you should at least put a brief summary in what is the book is about. In some parts, I feel that it is sort of redundant and those parts could be taken out. You also need evidence (put some quotes). You have many short paragraphs, I believe that some of them could be combined and some are of similar ideas and commentary. I think you also need to explain more on theme. It is not clear to me.

For Alex:
In the introduction, there were some parts of it that were wrong. I insist that you read over your introduction. I agree with Jasiu where you needed more evidence. I like some of your quotes but the commentary is sometimes repetitive of the quote. Put of more of your opinions in there if you would like. I would also like to comment that sometimes, the paragraph might be distracted or it goes off topic.